SetagayaCity, Tokyo Japan
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us with any other inquiries.
Where can I buy it?
You can buy it here. All guitars come with a hard case. Please note that international shipping fees will be added to the regular price. Shipping is by FedEx. →URL of STORES for overseas
Can I try out the guitars?
We are sorry. We are sorry, but we do not have them in our overseas stores yet, so you can only try them in Japan. Please refer to this video for a test-play. (link)https://www.youtube.com/@caramelsguitarkitchen5881
How long is the delivery time?
It depends on availability, but basically 4 months after you place your order. Please contact us by e-mail before placing an order and we will give you more details about the delivery time. Please contact us at → info@ellansmusic.co.jp
What about after-sales service?
We are sorry, but since our company is located in Japan, we do not accept any after-sales service. However, for initial defects that are not the result of customer error, please send us a photo of the defective part by e-mail, and if we can confirm the defect, we will replace or repair the product at no charge, with return shipping and repair costs covered.
Is it possible to be left-handed?
Yes, it is possible. Please be sure to let us know before you place your order. Because the parts for left-handed players are a little more expensive, we will charge an additional 10,000 to 30,000 yen depending on the type. If you do not tell us, the guitar will be for right-handed players.
For other inquiries, please contact us at info@ellansmusic.co.jp